How I Work and How to work Together
All Intuitive Readers work different and the gifts work through everyone in unique ways.
I am not a Mind Reader, so if there is something specific you want me to look at for you in a session, please let me know by communicating that to me.
Some people have a view from the 3rd floor of a building and other people have a view from the 11th floor of a building, it is just a different perspective and view.
I can not know what is best for you in your life, because I am not in your life, you are in your life. I can only describe to you what I am seeing and the perspective I am viewing it from based on what the light is showing me and where I feel the energy. Like in life, take the best and leave the rest, because only you can know what works best for you. That does not mean that people will always choose their best choices, sometimes people who have not cleared their inner saboteur will choose their worst choices, even if they hear differently in their sessions. It is human nature that people do what they want to do, not what you suggest or request that they think about and do.
Just because I say something in a session does not mean it is a 100% done deal in your life. Part of having a Reading is to bring more light, awareness, consciousness, energy and clarity to different areas, so you are empowered to have clarity to shift things that you would like to create differently in your life.
I only communicate information in a way where I would like to hear it myself, I am committed to sharing and communicating information in a way where it is empowering, rather than shocking or debilitating. I will not hold back, however I will communicate information in a way where you can make adjustments in your perceptions - which will change your experience of it, or give you the ability to shift it. My rule is that if people ask, then they are ready to hear. (There is nothing unreasonable about that).
Everything is confidential from the sessions, unless I feel you are a danger to yourself or someone else, then I will report it to the appropriate agencies, so if you are concerned about that, then don't bother coming in for a session.
If I feel that we are not well matched to work together, I will refer you out to someone who I think is a good match for you.
Some Professional Intuitive Readers specialize in crimes. I do not do any work around crimes, that is not my specialty and I do not do that kind of work.
Many people have a certain amount of denial going on in their lives, not everyone is going to hear what they want to hear in their sessions or want to change negative habits, addictions, and bad behavior in their lives. It is unfair to project your own dissatisfaction and unhappiness with yourself and your life onto me. If you can not manage your own negativity and or negative emotional reactions and psychological responses and energy like an adult, then you are not ready for a session with me, and I don't want and will not allow you to bring big dramas and negativity in to my environment and personal space and pollute it.
I work very diligently to keep myself and my energy field clear around me. I am always working on myself in my life to improve and grow, because I know it brings high value to everyone that I work with. I will always do my best to give you my best.
I welcome an honest relationship and communication that is based on respect with anyone who is sincere in making changes in their lives and in doing some work on themselves or the benefit of our world and all sentient beings in all worlds.
Please contact David either by phone or email to book a session.
What can I do to move the energy in this specific area of my life?
What do you see in this area of my life?
What is the lesson in this reoccurring pattern, and or situation that keeps showing up in my life?
What can I do to improve all areas of my life?
How can I clean up this area of my life and or my thinking?
How can I develop and expand these specific gifts and talents that I have?
How can I move more out of my way?
How can I create the greatest impact with the gift of my life?
What is the legacy that I am creating with the gift of my life for my family, for humanity, and for the world?
Preparing for a Session (Question Prep)
Please write out and prepare 10 specific questions for your reading. Your Reading will go 1000% better if you have your questions written out, rather than having them swimming around inside your mind. Please do not e-mail me your questions, because I am better with hearing them spontaneously.
The best things to ask about are areas where you are feeling blocked and or stuck, or where you are wanting to move the energy in your life. It is also valuable to ask about areas where you are choosing between different options, and also any areas in your life that you would like more clarity or insights into. It is good to ask about any areas that you have concerns about.
Avoid "WHY" questions, they are unproductive and are a complete waste.
It is better to ask, "WHAT" and "HOW" questions, because they make you look deeper at what is really going on, and they are more action oriented, and we can move more energy as a result.
It helps to have categories for your questions:
Moving and relocating
Relationship and or dating
Spiritual Growth
Identifying Your Gifts and Talents
Identifying Your Service in the World
Pets (if you have questions about pets - please send photos with their names).
If you are wanting to ask about other people, please e-mail me photos of anyone that you would like to ask about. Clear, recent head shots work best for photos - where I can see the people's eyes in the photos who you are asking about. (no one in the photos that you are asking about should be wearing sunglasses. I need to be able to see their eyes). Along with the photos, please send me their first and last names, and the day and month that they were born (if you have that information). I do not need the time, year, or place of birth. At the time of your reading when we go into the photos, I will ask you the context about what you are asking about: for example: Is it about their health? Is it about dating and or relationship? Is it about doing work and or business with them? If it is about doing work or business with them, then I will need to know what it is you are looking at doing with them on a work and or on a business level. When you send me photos in an e-mail: In the subject line of your e-mail where you are sending me photos - please type: PHOTOS FOR (then type your name) READING.
Some people like to ask about people who have already passed away. Although I do not consider being a Medium as one of my primary gifts, sometimes information comes through. If you have questions of this nature, please make them bonus questions in addition to your 10 questions. Please also send me photos of anyone who has already passed away that you would like to ask about. When asking about someone who has already passed away in your reading: Please let me know before you ask, that they are already passed away and in the spirit world - because it involves a different way of looking, and it is like changing channels on the tv.
The Session:
90% of people have a lot going on that they are working with and sorting through within themselves and in their lives. Those people usually go for Intuitive Readings because there is time to ask more personal questions and go more in depth into them.
10% of people do not have a lot of areas that they want to ask about and they want more information. Those people usually choose Numerology Sessions, which is a lot of information and there is time for 3 personal questions. I only do Numerology Sessions once with people, it is a Life Reading.
All sessions are recorded on MP3 and then I e-mail you the recording after the session, unless you bring a Flash Drive to your session for me to put the recording from your session onto.
First time sessions are an hour and a half.

Please select one of the following categories
Please contact David either by phone or email to book a session.
intuitive sessions
The Intuitive Session
I have you prepare 10 questions for your session before you arrive at your session.
I start with a prayer. I then go into the year that you are currently in with your Numerology, I describe the months, and the following year in your Numerology after your next Birthday. I also talk about some of the Planetary Retrogrades. We then go deep into the key areas that you want to ask about in your 10 questions. At the end of your reading I give you resources (Things you can follow up with outside of your reading, to continue to support you to open doors, clear things, grow, and to empower you to make more of the changes you are committed to making in your life.
I do not know what the resources will be, until I get into the session with you. Resources can look like, web sites, books, healers and practitioners, training's, seminars, and events. I do not get anything from anyone or anything that I send you to. I would only send you to people who I would go to myself, and or who I would send my own Mother to. My thinking is, if it is good enough for my own Mother, then it is good enough for my clients.
People who know me well, know that I take it very seriously about who and where I send my clients to - so I am absolutely sure that they are going to be well taken care of.
The Numerology Session
Is like a Map of your life - it is a lot of information. It shows what you are doing here in the world, what you would be good at, what your challenges are, and what you are striving to become. It shows you the themes you are working with in your life and how to best work with the natural cycles of timing and the themes that are in your chart. We go into your Numerology Blue Print for your life and major gateways which are time periods in your life where there are big changes and a lot of reinvention. After we go through your chart, there is time for 3 personal questions. I then give you resources at the end of your Numerology Session that you can work with outside of the reading in your life.
The Intuitive Relationship Sessions
This good to do when there are some issues and patterns that you feel are keeping your relationship in a holding pattern, and or stuck. Both people have to want to do the session and have a sincere desire to put energy into working on the relationship. In the Relationship Sessions, I ask that both people pay equally for half of the session. In the relationship sessions, there is a space to ask questions and to be heard (it is not a counselling session). I look at your years Numerologically that you are both in and we go into your questions and issues that are coming up in your relationship. There can also be a mediation component in the Intuitive Relationship Sessions. There may be a few resources for outside of the Relationship Reading that can support you to nurture and grow your relationship.
The Intuitive business Sessions
The whole focus of this session is on your business and how to refine it and grow it. This session can include profiling questions, if it involves people you are working with on a business level. We talk about what is blocking you in relationship to your business and what is holding the business back from what it could be and how to clear it. This is a great strategic session that can boost your business and what you are creating in it to another level.
The Profiling Sessions
This session is done with photos of people who you are wanting to ask about. This can be included in questions in any of the normal sessions, or it can be done specifically in a profiling session. In the profiling session - I will ask you for a recent - clear head shot (photo) of who you are asking about, I will ask you for their first and last name, and their month and date of birth if you have it. I will also ask you about the context you are asking about - for example: is it about their health? Is it about dating and or relationship? Is it about doing work and or business with them? If it is about doing work and or business with them, then I will ask you what it is that you are looking at doing with them on a work and or on a business level? Profiling is one of my gifts, and it gives you a lot of clarity and insights into people and better ways to approach them and how to communicate with them effectively and how to deal with them. The information in a Profiling Session is invaluable. People utilize this for choosing different employees at work, for choosing the right partnerships in business, and I have even had clients ask me about which Cosmetic Surgeons they should work with.
The Intuitive Life Navigation Coaching Sessions
This is for people who want to work with me on an on-going basis who would like to energize their lives and what they are creating. It offers on-going support that makes a huge difference for people and creates a big shift in their lives.
The Coaching Commitment is for 3 months. Coaching Sessions are an hour each. I only Coach people who have had a Reading first or who have been to one of my talks and or seminars so they are clear about how I work. Most people have 2 Coaching Sessions in a month. You can do 4 in a month if you prefer. I ask for everyone who is Coaching to pay for their sessions for each month in advance - one month at a time. The Intuitive Life Navigation Coaching Sessions are powerful for people and set people up well to accomplish results that uplift the quality of their lives on all levels and bring more balance into their lives.
Please contact David either by phone or email to book a session.
the numerology seminar
This is a two day class focused primarily on divination with numbers. Based on the Pythagorean system of numerology from ancient Greece, participants will be able to learn what numbers mean and how to calculate and interpret them. The 2nd day includes how to construct, interpret and analyze numerology charts as well as cycles of timing. A blue print of life which is like a numerological map is also covered.
corporate motivational talks
3 hour talks on relevant topics that support people to be inspired, motivated, accountable, and to increase productivity and value and to boost morale in the work place.
motivational talks - 3 hours each
Showing Up Powerfully for Yourself in your Life
Life Navigation - creating a life that is inspiring, energizing and heart connected
Actualizing Your Dreams - generating energy to define, risk big and to empower your dreams
Healthy Boundaries and Healthy Choices - the building blocks for creating a balanced life
The Power and Dynamics of Energy & Change - creating a life that is compelling and impactful
How to Show Up Powerfully for Your Relationship - creating a foundation of respect and a space for big love
How to free yourself from being plugged into heavy karma, shadow pieces, and negative programming. Healing Yourself to live the life you are meant to live.
Please contact David either by phone or email to book a session.
Remote power & path clearings (power boost)
This is a half hour session at an agreed upon time that is done remotely to clear your path and energetic field of blockages. When the session starts, you will be seated in a quiet place where you can close your eyes and meditate and tune in for a half an hour while I work on clearing you remotely. (We are not on the phone or Skype or in person together during this session). After the half hour, we have a brief 5 to 10-minute conversation about what was done and what opened up and what was experienced.
Vortex healing sessions
David's newest service. Please contact him for more information and book a session.
evening of psychic exploration
A group evening of discoveries and insights about what is showing up in your life. Let me show you the blind spots of what you can't see, that is at play and shaping your life.